PURIVOX, Hauptstraße 11, D-67308 Ottersheim

General questions

You can order by phone / fax or directly here on the page through our online shop.

As a general rule, we ship with GLS. Since delivery with GLS is very fast, the ordered product normally arrives within 1-3 business days with you. We also offer delivery of an express shipment, please contact us personally.

You can download all our operating instructions from our website in pdf format.

Purivox gas cannons

If you order one of our Purivox gas cannons for bird control, you will get a pair of new batteries (4R25/6V) with the cannon.

Under normal conditions, this means a work time (unit is turned on by the timer and shots) of 12 hours and a break time of 8-16 minutes, the batteries last around 2 months.

The gas cylinder is connected with the Purivox gas regulator. This gives the right pressure to the electronic unit. There are 3 different types of Purivox gas regulator connectors. The gas cannons are working with standard propane gas.

No, the gas cylinder has to be organized by yourself. This should not be a problem, we use standard gas cylinder (11kg) which are available in every hardware store. The 11kg gas cylinder will last for around 20,000 shots.

No the habituation is very unlikely. The reason for that is the electronic unit, which can be programmed to how you need the unit to work. Following settings can be changed at the electronic unit:
  • Sound Volume (in 2 steps)
  • Break interval (4 different settings)
  • Number of shots (1/2/3 or 4 shots)
All the shots will be fired in a random mode. If you need help with setting up your unit, feel free to contact us.

Check the following points:
!! Close the gas cylinder first during every work at the unit !!
  • Is the gas cylinder not empty?
  • Is the propane jet connected to the blast tube and the gas hose connected to it?
  • Are the batteries full? (If you have a electric meter, check the batteries. The battery power should not fall under 9.5 Volt. Normal power is 12Volt). If the batteries are too flat, you will hear 5 times a beep from the electronic unit after you switch it on.
  • Is the timer programmed correctly? So that the working-time is set correctly?
  • Is the ON/OFF switch on the electronic unit turned ON?
  • Can you hear the spark from the ignition? Hearable at the end of the blast tube.

BirdGard acoustic bird control

Unlike harassment tactics such as propane cannons, pyrotechnic devices and visual deterrents that attempt to annoy birds into leaving, Bird Gard products harness the bird's natural fears and survival instincts to repel them. A microprocessor randomly emits distress sounds in a completely unpredictable pattern and at random time intervals and random frequency levels. Sounds are cycled through randomly selected speakers (where applicable) to give the impression of multiple birds being under attack throughout the protected area. This keeps birds highly agitated and prevents them from acclimating to the sounds.

We have a growing library of more than 100 recorded bird distress sounds. Once the nuisance birds are identified we will recommend the best sound card for your specific problem birds. Depending on your needs, your sound card may include distress calls, predator sounds and electronic harassment sounds.

Because Bird Gard utilizes each bird's intra-species communications to drive them away, it is imperative that your nuisance birds are correctly identified. There are a number of websites and resources available to properly identify bird species. One of the best we have found is maintained by the Cornell University Lab of Ornithology. If you have any questions after visiting their site, please get in contact with us.

Yes. Bird Gard products incorporate actual bird distress cries that are digitally recorded on a microchip. To us, the distress cries sound like birds chirping; to the birds, it sounds like an attack of epic proportions. Most people get used to the sounds relatively quickly. Each product is equipped with a volume control so the sound can be adjusted for maximum effectiveness and a minimum of annoyance to humans.

The length of time may vary, but typically the birds will leave the area within a few days. In most cases, you will see results very quickly. Fruit growers will need to have the unit in operation two weeks before their crop begins to change color for maximum effectiveness.

Animals are not harmed by the Bird Gard sounds. Domestic animals and livestock quickly get used to the sounds and are not negatively impacted.

Optical bird control

Yes of course! And there is a simple answer for that called: Instinct and natural enemies. This means if other birds see the bird of prey (which can be a falcon or an eagle) flying in the wind, it looks like a bird of prey for the other birds. So the bird control with the bird of prey kites is by using the fear of natural enemies of the birds!

By using the fiberglass poles. They are mounted in a ground holder.

It depends on where you live. You should always choose the bird of prey that is a real natural bird in the part where you live.

Vole traps

You do not need a bait in the trap for voles. However, if you want to catch field mice with the trap, a bait will catch a field mouse much faster. To do this, attach a piece of carrot or apple to the upper trigger.

Watch the Topcat mousetrap tutorial video. You will find this video below the information about the Topcat vole trap.

This of course depends on the size of the area. As a rule, several Topcat vole traps can of course be used more efficiently and quickly. For a medium area we recommend 2-5 traps.

Since the traps are completely made of stainless steel, they are very durable and almost indestructible under correct handling.